All too often we hear people remark: “you are still distributing plastic products?” The answer is simple: yes. “Yes”, because durable and single-use plastics are unfairly tarred with the same brush.
Though Plastibac's products are made from the same basic material, plastic, there is a world of difference. We do not produce any single-use, disposable plastic, but high-quality, sustainable plastic that is ideal as part of a circular economy.
We are continually looking for products that are 100% recyclable, which means that every product, when it reaches the end of its lifetime, gets the chance of a new life. That is why we are actively working together with reliable partners that can facilitate this environmentally friendly recycling process. Our aim is to fully comply with the European Standard ‘EN 15343.2007’.
Moreover, in our current range we offer a great number of products that are made from 100% recycled plastics, and thus we complete the circle.
So can we offer even more sustainable plastic products in future? To this we respond with a resounding “yes”.
If you would like to find out more, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Download here our recycle leaflet.